Digimon: The Movie
Digimon: The Movie


When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the destruction before the damage becomes irreversible and worldwide communication halts forever. As computer-based missiles are launched, and a wayward Digimon kidnaps the Digidestined, only the combined efforts of a worldwide network of kids and a new group of "Digidestined" can rescue the others and stop global disaster.
Lara Jill Miller
Lara Jill Miller
Kari / Young Kari (voice)
Joshua Seth
Joshua Seth
Young Tai / Tai (voice)
Bob Papenbrook
Bob Papenbrook
Red Greymon (voice)
David Lodge
David Lodge
Parrotmon (voice)
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Tai's Mom (voice)
Michael Sorich
Michael Sorich
Miko / Big Agumon / Gargomon (voice)
Peggy O'Neal
Peggy O'Neal
Botamon (voice)
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Sora / Male Student (voice)
Brianne Siddall
Brianne Siddall
Koromon / Kuramon (voice)
Jeff Nimoy
Jeff Nimoy
Truck Driver 1 / Tentomon / Phone Voice 1 / Kabuterimon / MegaKabuterimon / Floyd the Barber / Barney / Cabbie / Kid 3 (voice)
Bob Buchholz
Bob Buchholz
Truck Driver 2 / Male Customer / Phone Voice 2 / Voice Mail Operator / Uncle Al / Andy / Squad Leader (voice)
Philece Sampler
Philece Sampler
Mimi / Cody / Matt's Grandma (voice)
Mona Marshall
Mona Marshall
Izzy / Terriermon (voice)
Michael Lindsay
Michael Lindsay
Joe / Greymon (voice)
Michael Reisz
Michael Reisz
Matt (voice)
Wendee Lee
Wendee Lee
Young T.K. / Little Girl 1 / Party Girl 1 / Little Kokomon (voice)
Elizabeth Rice
Elizabeth Rice
Boy 1 / Sora's Mom / Operator / Kid 2 (voice)
Anna Garduno
Anna Garduno
Boy 2 / Palmon / Aunt Bea / Lady Truck Driver / Kid 1 (voice)
Neil Kaplan
Neil Kaplan
Twin Boy 1 / Computer Voice 2 / Professor / Hawkmon / Halsemon (voice)
Doug Erholtz
Doug Erholtz
T.K. (voice)
Tifanie Christun
Tifanie Christun
Birthday Girl / Grocery Girl / Biyomon / Yolei (voice)
Ralph Garman
Ralph Garman
Newsman (voice)
Paul St. Peter
Paul St. Peter
Keramon / Infermon / Diaboromon / Kokomon (voice)
Tom Fahn
Tom Fahn
Agumon / Digmon (voice)
Mike Reynolds
Mike Reynolds
Gennai (voice)
Kirk Thornton
Kirk Thornton
Gabumon / MetalGarurumon / Omnimon (Shared) (voice)
Laura Summer
Laura Summer
Patamon (voice)
R. Martin Klein
R. Martin Klein
Gomamon (voice)
Edie Mirman
Edie Mirman
Gatomon / Recorded Operator / Angewomon / Magnadramon (voice)
Steve Blum
Steve Blum
Computer Voice 1 / Poromon / Flamedramon / Raidramon / Magnamon (voice)
Joseph Pilato
Joseph Pilato
MetalGreymon (voice)
Lex Lang
Lex Lang
WarGreymon / Omnimon (Shared) / Rapidmon (voice)
Bob Glouberman
Bob Glouberman
Young Willis / Willis (voice)
Brian Donovan
Brian Donovan
Davis (voice)
Dave Mallow
Dave Mallow
Upamon / Angemon / Seraphimon (voice)
Derek Stephen Prince
Derek Stephen Prince
Veemon / DemiVeemon / Pizza Guy (voice)
Robert Axelrod
Robert Axelrod
Armadillomon (voice)
Richard Binsley
Richard Binsley
Mrs. Brinks (voice) (uncredited)
Edward Glen
Gordy Rhinehart (voice) (uncredited)
David Greenlee
Professor (voice) (uncredited)
Bryn McAuley
Bryn McAuley
Gina Lash / Ginamon (voice) (uncredited)
Al Mukaddam
Al Mukaddam
Johnny Abatti / Johnnymon (voice) (uncredited)
Sue Rose
Angela Anaconda / Angelamon (voice) (uncredited)
Ruby Smith-Merovitz
Nanette Manoir / Ninnymon (voice) (uncredited)
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